Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Quinn 2 1/2 Years Old

My little blondie is now 2 1/2 years old. I can not believe how fast it has gone. He looks like a giant next to his baby sister. He is staying healthy and is very, very active. At his check-up a couple weeks ago, he weighed in at 32 lbs (80th percentile) and was 38 in. tall (85th percentile). He has really nice hair and gorgeous eyes. The above picture was the best I could find of just him. It makes me laugh because it pretty much sums up the look on his face most of the time at this age.

He loves getting dirty whether it be outside or at meals or anywhere really. He loves food and will eat almost anything I put in front of him. He loves running.... a little too much. He runs and runs and sometimes does not stop. He has never played with toys much, but enjoys sticks, water, and dirt. He loves to help his mom do the "tough work" like pushing heavy toys and furniture and killing spiders.

He is a fighter. He is very strong-willed and will fight until I am literally exhausted.  He fights naps and bedtime (I put him to bed an hour ago and he is currently banging his head on the wall) . He fights potty training and getting his diaper changed. He fights his sisters. He fights sitting and walking. He fights baths and getting his clothes on and taking them off. He fights getting in the car, sitting in his car seat, and getting out of the car. He fights every type of discipline. I keep praying that he will use his strong-willed personality for good. You may want to pray for me until we get to that point. I am tired.

I am amazed at how many ways a 2-year-old can change, learn, and grow in such a short time. I am so grateful for the gift we received a few short years ago. I will be the first to admit that strong-willed boy gives the best hugs ever!

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