Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy mother of children

Happy, adjective.    
Definition: To be delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing. to be happy to see a person. characterized by or indicative of pleasure, contentment, or joy.
Psalm 113: 9
"He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord"
This is the scripture the Lord brought to me early this morning. I spent time praising God for all the mothers I know that had a longer journey to motherhood then most. Infertility is tough. I know that no matter how long a woman deals with infertility, whether 1 year, 5 years, or 10 years, they all know that dark, lonely feeling of longing for a child. They know that feeling of failure after telling their husband again that the pregnancy test was negative. They clearly remember what it is like to walk past what seems like a million pregnant woman. They remember the days where it was just easier to stay in bed and cry then to see the constant reminders that they are childless.
Today I am thankful that I am a happy mother of children. I am a mother of 3 little blessings. Many days are difficult, but there are so many happy moments in this home.
I am a happy mother when my baby girl smiles at me when I walk past her.
I am a happy mother when Quinn cuddles with me after waking up from his nap.
I am a happy mother when Riley dances all day long.
I am a happy mother when I see my husband playing, loving, and laughing with his kids.
I am a happy mother when I ask Riley to take a drink of water after running with some friends and she responds, "Mom, I don't need water, I need more friends."    
I am a happy mother when I catch a little boy who has struggled accepting a new baby sister kiss her on the cheek.
I am a happy mother when all 3 kids are sleeping at the same time.  
I am a happy mother when I realize God has entrusted me with 3 beautiful gifts that I was not sure I would ever be given.
Praise the Lord!  

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful for those 3 beautiful miracles too! Dad and I spend many days praying for you and were so excited when we heard you were pregnant with Riley. Being blessed with 4 blessings of my own and seeing your daughter struggle was unbearable at times. We love our children so much and want the best for them and hurt when they hurt. I only wish dad could have seen your last miracle and look forward to the day he will see her in heaven. What a wonderful day that will be. Love, Mom
