Wednesday, May 9, 2012

10-4 Good Buddy Answers

Below are the May questions from my good friend Abby's 10-4 good buddy link-up. Check out her awesome blog here!

1. What is one quirky thing about you?

I am obsessed with clean babies. I give my kids too many baths. And they must always have Johnson and Johnson baby lotion on so they don't smell like spit up.

2. What does your perfect date look like? {Not the person...the activity}

A walk and dinner on the beach at sunset. By the way, I have never really had a date consisting of these two requirements, but it sounds amazing!

3. What is your favorite picture from last month {April}?

4. What are your top 3 favorite TV shows?

The Voice
Who Do you Think You Are

5. What is your favorite outdoor activity?

Going on relaxing walks in the evening. The relaxing part is few and far between these days.

6. What is the last movie you saw?

Chipwrecked.... don't judge

7. Look up from your computer right now. What is the first thing you saw?

Reese lying on the floor chewing on her bib. Yes, she tries to eat her cloths now.

8. What area in your life are you working on improving right now?

Patience with a certain 2-year-old. Also, working on having a good attitude during those rough days of parenting.

9. What is your favorite post that you wrote last month?

Contact Deleted

10. What would be your dream job?

I would love to be a photographer or an owner of a cute coffee shop.


  1. I have never had that date together either, but have seen the sunset on the beach. Simply amazing!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

    1. My blogger friend and my in person friend have met! Yay!!!!

      I can't believe I forgot to put Parenthood on my list! Little Reece in that dress is so cute!

  2. What a fun list! So nice meeting you.
