Sunday, May 6, 2012

Never Once

It has been a year and 2 days since I saw my dad take his last breath. Some days it seems like it was yesterday, other days it seems like I haven't seen him in forever. Yesterday my family gathered at the gravestone. We shared memories of a man that impacted all of our lives. We laughed, we cried, we remembered. Even through the hard times, never once did we ever walk alone.

If you are going through a dark time in your life, may this song remind you are not alone.


  1. And not only did He walk beside us, but He gave us wonderful friends and family to get us through the hard times. And I am so thankful that our family all knows Christ and we will be together forever someday.

  2. So grateful for the time we were all able to spend together yesterday. I too am thankful that our whole family knows and loves Jesus Christ. Thanks for the legacy of faith that you and Dad passed on to us!!

  3. Great song Alicia. Never heard it before, but it is powerful!
