On Saturday morning we got the kids up, ready, and out the door by 6:40am for my first race. Mark was kind enough to drop me off and take the kids to watch. All the ladies were impressed at his parenting skills. I have to admit, he is very patient with them and is great at multi-tasking!
Riley is getting so big! She can sing the entire alphabet except M,N,and O and she counts to 12. She occasionally calls Quinn "Ninn" instead of "brother" or "bubby". This makes me very sad. Most of her words are now pronounced correctly too. She is growing up way too fast. During Quinn's morning nap, we try to do some special activities together. We have had some tea parties with water and crackers. Today I let her work on sorting the silverware drawer. It seemed boring to me, but she loved it!
Quinn is in to everything. He is emptying pots and pans and crawling in the cabinets. He stood on his own for a couple seconds yesterday. Hopefully he can hold off on his walking for just a little bit longer. He loves food just like his sister. He eats everything I give him, unless it is baby food. If he is not eating what I have, he looks at my plate and fusses. He even eats things he doesn't like. I can tell because he cries the entire time he is chewing, but he will still eat it. Don't worry, I sometimes will give him a break and feed him something else.
We are working on finding the best ways to discipline Riley. Over the last week, I have put her in the corner when she continues to fuss or throw a temper. Today I heard her crying, I looked over and she was playing. She would say "sit", sit down pretend to cry and say "no cry!". She did this over and over. Of course, she stopped by the time I got my camera out. She sure is a smart little Drama Queen.
That's all for now. I really should blog more frequently so my posts aren't so long!
You do need to blog more often. I love hearing the stories and seeing the pictures. What beautiful and smart children you have.