* Riley and Quinn still love playing together. Much to my dismay, they like to wrestle.
* Quinn crawls around all day with a red drumstick. He holds it like most children hold their blanket. He bangs it on things and smiles...so strange.
* I am still leaving veggies on the counter for Riley to "sneak". Tonight it was green beans. She had a green bean in her mouth most of the evening, mostly because it took her forever to swallow because of the nasty taste! Please read my blog about broccoli if you are confused. Mommy likes mind games!
* Riley talks all day.
* Quinn is starting to reject his baby food. I keep trying to give it to him, but he looks at my food and fusses. My master plan was to give him baby food for a long time because of its convenience. Oh well.
* Riley spit out the meatballs I made tonight and said "Ewww, gross!". Tell me how you really feel, Riley.
* Riley loves to sing and Quinn loves to dance.
* Quinn likes it when you knock him over. He is such a boy!
* I am looking for a good parenting book, hopefully one with a focus on raising toddlers. Please let me know if you know of any.
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