Thursday, March 31, 2011

10 reasons we are blessed

These past couple of weeks have been a little rough for us. Currently all 4 of us are sick and sleep seems to be a thing of the past. There have been a lot of disappointments over the last week. Riley had a fever for 6 days, has a mild case of pneumonia, and has a double ear infection. Quinn has had a fever for 5 days and coughs and vomits much of the day and night. Thankfully he has tubes, so no ear infection for him yet. There has been lots and lots and lots of crying. I would be embarrassed to have anyone see our house. It is a disaster and I don't remember the last time I cleaned the bathrooms.

I think it is acceptable to admit that things are really hard sometimes. It seems like many of us, including myself, put on that ever so famous smile to show the world that we have it all together. Well guess what? We don't! Sometimes our situations just stink and it is ok to not have it all together, however, during those times we need God more then ever. No matter how tired, grumpy, sick we are, our God deserves praise. God has blessed our family with so much these past two weeks even though we are a mess! Below are just a few of the blessings we have been given.

1. We have adorable children. Even when they are sick and have snot all over their face and hair, they are the most beautiful children I have ever seen!

2. In the midst of his miserable cold, Quinn has learned the word "no". You may wonder why its a blessing. Well, its because he is so cute when he says it (for now). He says "no" in such a calm, quiet voice and it sounds more like "nooooooooooo". I have never heard it said so innocently.

3. We are blessed with Kleenex, medicine, doctors, and water. Those things are a luxury for so many.

4. We saved money on our grocery bill because none of us had appetites this week. Most importantly, we have the ability to buy groceries when we need them.

5. We have an amazing support system of family and friends who visit, babysit at the last minute (thanks Grandma Susan), call, and pray for us.

6. Even though I woke up at 4:30am today, I was able to have the luxury of taking a long, quiet, hot shower.

7. If Riley and Quinn were able to express their thankfulness, I am sure they would say they were thankful for the extra treats, cuddle time, and constant movie watching this week. I just asked Riley what she was thankful for and she said, "I'm thankful that brother is 4 and I am 9".

8. Mark was able to visit his brother from Texas last night. Mike made a surprise visit while traveling on business.

9. The middle of the night prayers and cuddling.

10. God's grace when we mess up.


  1. All I can say to that is Amen.

  2. During hard times we don't always see the blessings we have been given. It is good to write them down to remind us of all He has done for us. Just wanted to let you know how proud I am of all of you and so blessed to have you as my daughter. Love, Mom
