Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Finally we know why Quinn sounds as though he can't breath...Laryngomalacia. For those of you who have been around my son know what I am talking about. Since he was a newborn, his brething has always sounded horse and wheezy. We were sent to have a chest x-ray and were referred to see an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist. On Saturday, I went with Quinn to get an x-ray. He was put in an upright clear tube with his little arms sticking straight in the air. He looked at me with a pout on his face, but never cried. Today we saw the ENT. I was not quite prepared for the scope they put down his nose. I had to hold him so he wouldn't move. I am not a fan of being in that situation. It is never fun to hold your child down while someone else inflicts pain upon them. He was a trooper though and thankfully the procedure was quick. The doctor knew right away that he had Laryngomalacia. That diagnosis means that the flap on his larynx does not properly open and close. The good news is that he will grow out of it by the time he is 2-years-old. The bad news is that he has been suffering from acid reflux for 8 months and I have not known about it. Apparently the two are connected. We now have medicine and I have peace of mind that he is ok. His breathing/snoring may be loud and annoying now, but he will soon grow out of it. I feel so relieved!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear it's nothing too serious and that he'll grow out of it. I know you were worried, but I'm sure you're glad to finally have an answer. He's so sweet and such a good boy not to cry through all this. Wow. What a sweetie.
