Here are more details of her adventures:
Screaming: This morning she was running with her cousins and was her normal hyper self. She then screamed at the top of her lungs until her voice shrieked. It was funny to her, so she did it for about an hour straight. I am surprised she still has a voice and that Quinn stayed asleep. Hopefully she will forget her talent soon, but I am thinking she won't for many years.
Songs and Booty Shaking: Riley spend Saturday night and Sunday with her cousins in Huntington. They love to teach her new fun things. Her cousin has a teeny bopper song she loves called "oh, Baby". Apparently Riley enjoys it also as that is all she has been singing since she arrived home. I was giving her a bath the other night. She stood up, held on to the side of the shower, sang the song, and started shaking her booty. It was hilarious!
Zoo: Since we have season passes, we have already gone to the zoo twice in the last week. She really enjoys it. Her favorite things are the people walking around, the ducks, and the goats... Mark's least favorite things:) As we were leaving, she grabbed my hand, led me back into the zoo, around the corner straight to the goats. It was nice to see her clearly communicate something! Just wish we didn't have to keep visiting those annoying creatures.
New Words: She can repeat almost any word, it just may not sound exactly like the actual word. Her favorites are Mom (of course), dada, Aubrey (Awe-b), baby, brother, more, and yeah.
Ice Cream: I gave her an ice cream cone the other day. She loved the cone more then the ice cream. She ate it from the bottom of the cone and ended at the ice cream. Strange.
As far as our little guy goes, he is as cute as ever. He finally will sit in the sling I bought as long as he is on my hip. My life is a little easier now. He is having no problem downing 6oz. each feeding. Odds of him crying in the car the entire trip is now 50/50. We are sooo excited our chances of a quiet car ride are much higher. He is rolling front to back and back to front. He can wear many of his 9month clothes already. He is starting to smile at Riley when she is around instead of flinch. They are going to be great friends!
We all love the weather and I am especially excited that my long winter of being shut in the house is over!
Here is Riley and her ice cream
Riley has a new fun game of putting stickers on her brother's face
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