Thursday, May 13, 2010

Perfect Day

I was wondering today what a perfect day would look like for Riley and Quinn. It made me smile to think about. I will write about Quinn first since his day is so predictable. Quinn would love to eat all day long, a little at a time so his stomach was always full. He would take a short nap in the morning, a long nap in the afternoon, and another short evening nap in our bed. I don't know why, but he sleeps so much better there. He then would want to be held the rest of the time. The person holding him could not sit down, but must walk constantly. They would also need to play airplane about every 15 minutes. Oh yeah, and he would never be placed in a car seat or stroller as that would cause an emotional breakdown. That's it... he would be the happiest baby ever!

Riley's day would need to be a little more planned. She would wake up and eat immediately. No time for hugs, kisses, I love you's. She would then go to the zoo, eat snacks, and pet the goats. Lunch would be at Arby's, then a nap. After her nap, she would have a snack immediately. After a snack, Riley would run outside for hours and have dogs preferably stop and greet her every 5 minutes. We would eat dinner, and go to a park with lots of kids. She would then come home to take a bath and would be allowed to run in the tub as much as she wants. Please note everything needs to be done immediately... no waiting.

I love the differences in their personalities and am hoping they will be great friends! Here are some random thoughts about the week:
* Riley loves Quinn. She has been hugging and kissing him constantly. I even caught her holding his hands to teach him paddycake.
* People aren't joking when they say to never leave your 1-year-old alone EVER! When I have left Riley for less then a minute I have found her standing on the kitchen table, standing on the dryer trying to open a detergent bottle, playing in the bath tub with her pajamas on, grabbing a fish hook off a garage sale table, playing in an old poopy diaper, and trying to pick her brother up.
* Riley thinks every animal is a dog.
* Quinn wants to be held all the time. The second you put him down, he freaks out. One thing I have learned about having kids 12 months apart is that you don't care what the experts or other moms think about when and how much to hold your baby. In order for me to have sanity, I do what works. Fortunately for him, he gets to be held a lot.. at least for now. Also fortunately for Riley, she gets to do more things she is not suppose to because my hands are full.
* The Gerber microwavable meals are worth buying. They also help me stay sane.
* Quinn still sleeps until 6:00am, with the usual wake up at 5:00am for a pacifier. By the way, that kid can down 7oz. of formula, no problem.
* I have the cutest kids. I don't believe you if you tell me yours are cuter!

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