Thursday, April 15, 2010

Defying the Odds

I thought I would write a quick post about my children going out of their comfort zones. Quinn had a big day yesterday. He was in the car for 20 minutes without crying and he sat in our stroller for 15 minutes without crying! For those of you who know our little guy, know that this is a HUGE deal. Our family has accepted that whenever he is in the car, there will be uncontrollable crying. I was amazed to have a quite car ride. I had to check him a couple of times to make sure he was breathing. Later that afternoon, I attempted to go for a walk with both of them. This has never worked out without Quinn screaming at some point. He did it! We walked an entire 15 minutes and I even caught 2 smiles! After 15 minutes, he started to cry, but to me it was a success. If that was not crazy enough, Riley layed on the couch with me for 30 minutes straight today. She had her paci and bear and we were watching "Praise Baby", however, this has only happened a few times since her birth. She still talked and kicked her feet the entire time, but I loved it. Great two days at the Richard household. Pray that Quinn continues to accept being strapped in a seat. We would love to have a life outside of our house someday:)


  1. Sounds like things are looking up!

  2. Good for them. I still haven't got out of my comfort zone in some things.
