Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What I learned from potty training

1. It is no fun. It really isn't. I felt like I was prepared, but I was not ready to clean pee and poop every 30 minutes. Yuck!
2. It may take more then one attempt. Our first attempt was rough and stressful. It wasn't worth it. Two weeks later it went much better.
3. It will make your carpets disgusting. I don't think I need to go into detail on this one.
4. There is no "correct" way to do it. We did everything different then what the books suggested. Riley has taught us that she is not "typical" and we are ok with that.
5. Potty training with a 1-year-old boy is tough. Quinn enjoys playing in toilets and anything that is wet and dirty.
6. It is hilarious to see my husband's reaction to poop on the floor, walls, and clothes. It just is. I usually just laugh inside then proceed to take care of the mess.
7. It is so worth it. I can not believe how nice it is to only have one child in diapers. The second attempt took about 5 days. She has only had a few accidents over the past week. My little girl is growing up!

Please don't remind me that I will be doing this again in a year.


  1. Maybe this will make you feel better... If Quinn is anything like Cade and Caleb, you won't be doing it again for like two and a half years! :)

  2. Mindy is right. Now days alot of kids are not trained until they are at least 3. Overall Riley did really well. What a blessing for you. I can't wait to see what you write a year from now.
