After weeks of trying to set a time for the kids to get their pictures taken, we finally had them done. Thankfully, Aunt Mindy and family decided to join us. I had carefully planned the morning so both kids would be sparkling clean before pictures. Well, that was one of those ideas that I should have known was unrealistic. Quinn spit up about 10 times as usual. I left Riley's clothes off until 10 minutes before we left. As I was packing the diaper bag, I heard a splash. I ran in the kitchen and Riley had grabbed a cup of coffee off the counter and spilled it all over herself. I was impressed that I caught the cup before it hit the ground, but not impressed with the coffee running down her outfit. It was a good thing that I drown my coffee in creamer, because I was able to get most of it out. I made Riley sit on my lap as I used my hairdryer to dry her shirt off. If I would have actually thought about it, the task would have been much easier had I taken her shirt off. I rushed Mark to work (we were down to one car) and I raced to JC Pennys. I think I was behind every slow car on the road.
I tried to act calm as I walk into the photo studio, but my heart was racing as I was already upset about the coffee spill and slow traffic. I knew taking Riley's pictures could be stressful, so I tried to prepare myself. Quinn went first. We sat him on the ground and he just looked at the camera with a blank stare. We did everything we could to get him to smile or move, but he just sat there and drooled. After a while he crawled a little and we were able to get him to smile a few times. Man, I love that little boy. It was now Riley's turn. She took a couple of good pictures before her temper tantrums began. To make it short and sweet, she screamed every time we tried to put her in front of the camera. She screamed when I took her out of the room. She screamed when I took her back in. It was torture for her and close to torture for me. I feel as though we were there for hours. I was sweating and I was fighting back tears. That child makes me so exhausted, but I love her so stinkin much. Mindy said I will laugh about it later..... we shall see.
Later that afternoon, I decided that I hated getting pictures taken with small children. I am going to be a photographer. I have always wanted to take pictures, but have just never pursued it. I want to be able to take my kids pictures when they are happy, not at a scheduled time. I want to take pictures of my friend's kids. Now I just need a good camera. It may take me a while to get one, but it is a new dream. It makes so much sense!
Other then our picture drama, we are staying busy around here. Riley is climbing on everything from the kitchen table to the changing table. She loves taking care of her little brother. She punishes him, cleans his spit-up, and checks his diaper for poop. Quinn is crawling everywhere and is pulling himself to standing already! He is getting his two bottom teeth and he is not enjoying it very much. Now its time for bed. It may be a rough night for our little guy.