Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mom's Day Out

Every Tuesday a group of stay-at-home moms and their kids meet at 9:00am. There is no agenda, study, craft, or organized play time for the kiddos. We rotate homes and just fellowship. The kids run wild, fight, and sometimes pee all over the house. The moms talk over the chaos and drink coffee. Over the past couple years, those Tuesday mornings have meant the world to me. Its a place to go where no one cares about your sweat pants, unwashed hair, and screaming children. They all get it.

This past Saturday, some of us gathered for a "mom's day out". The kids stayed home with dad and we were able to be refreshed. We reserved a hotel room in order to sit, talk, play games, and eat unhealthy, but delicious food.
We even all put on our "mom suits" so we could relax in the hotel hot tub. We showed each other our beautifully imperfect stretchmarks and scars. These 7 bodies have birthed 23 babies.
Motherhood is hard. These mommies wake up early and go to bed late. Our current salary is $0. We all chose this path and we all understand that the sacrifice is worth it. We also understand that the sacrifice means many lonely days. Days all of us would love to just take a break from the laundry, the discipline, the lack of sleep. Days we all long for a lunch break, a nap, and a "thank-you". Thankfully, God gave us the rest we needed at just the right time. Of course, rest for a woman can include a little shopping. We tried on jewelry and clothes from the clearance rack. We then ate a quiet lunch out.
Rest can also include a few intense games of Dutch Blitz. We discovered a few of us are a little competitive.
I am so thankful for these ladies and the encouragement they bring. A couple of our husbands said we needed to do this more. I might just take them up on that!


  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun! Great looking group of moms. Hope you are able to do this again soon.

  2. So much fun! Thanks for documenting it!

  3. ^^^ (from Amy) I don't know why it didn't put my name :)
