Other then our exciting evening, here are the highlights of the week:
* Quinn is starting to crawl more. He now gets on his hands and knees and flies forward. He can get where he wants now, even to the electrical cords he began chewing on.
* Riley is obsessed with Elmo. She has occasionally watched Sesame Street, but she talks about Elmo all day long. She even sits and looks at her diapers and stares at the tiny Elmo on them.
* I now have a part time job working at Camp Red Cedar for the Summer. Since I have already worked at AWS, I just get to start and I already know what I am doing. It came at a perfect time, so for that I am grateful. I am sad to leave the kids, but I can do it!
* We had a great Father's Day. I was able to spend it with Mark and my Dad. Mark is such a great Daddy! I am so blessed to have him as my husband!
* I had the stomach flu this week and it was not fun. Thankfully, the kids spent the day at Grandma's house. I don't feel like I have figured out how to be a good mom while I am sick.
* Quinn has been sleeping until 6:00 or 6:30 most of the time. Ahhh, finally a few decent nights of sleep in a few months...I mean a couple of years. Sleep is not overrated!
* For all of those who know my husband, here is a fun fact about him. He reads my blogs, and then edits them when he finds a grammatical errors, he can't stand it when I misssspell words. Is that a run on sentence Mark?